10 Year Class Reunion a success!

Our first ever class of 1998 reunion was a smashing success with classmates rolling in from all across the country to partake in an evening of  dancing, drinking and sharing tales of the "good 'ole days". Jessie, Amber, and I would like to thank everyone who participated in this fine event through donations, help setting up and breaking down, spreading the word, planning and ideas, photography, and just plain showing up! It was wonderful seeing everyone and we look forward to doing it all over again in a few years! 

We sincerely apologize if you didn't catch word of the reunion. We did our best with limited resources to get the word out via email, internet and the KY Standard but are aware that many people didn't get the news and for that we are truly apologetic. Please take this opportunity to now add yourself to the list for 2013 and let's get ready to rock! 

It's never to early to start thinking and preparing for the 15 year so if you find yourself not listed on the blog, please sign in so that we have your information for the next round.  
Please fill out the questionaire and submit. If you'd rather not have your information posted please write "private" beside your name and I will just keep the info for our records. All contact is extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! If you'd like to submit pictures please email them as attachments to me at: courtenaygoff13@mac.com. Thanks!

NCHS Class of 1998 Reunion!

Name (Maiden & Married):
Mailing address:
Phone #:
Email Address:
Website address or personal blog (if Applicable):
Tell us a little about your life:
Would you like to share photos of yourself (family, etc.?) on this blog? Yes, I will email them to you!
No thanks

create form

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Nikki McIntyre Smith

After high school I went to Spencerian College and got a degree in nursing. I am currently working as the MDS coordinator at Windsor Gardens in Bardstown. I married Greg Smith in 2003. We have 2 beautiful little girls. Hailey is 4 and Emma ia 6 months. They are both spoiled rotten!!

Email: nikkismith218@yahoo.com

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Coleman Barnes

I guess I'll be the first to repost. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the "Big 10." I just accepted the Assistant Athletics Director for Development position with Fresno State Athletics in California. On May 24, I married Mary Beth Justice, so this move should be a wonderful experience for us. If you are ever on the west coast or in "The Valley," feel free to give me a yell. Best wishes and enjoy the throw down...I'll be there in spirits!

Email: uk6deuce@yahoo.com

Website address or personal blog: www.marybethandcoleman.blogspot.com

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Leah Allen

Hi everyone. I really wish I could make it, but I just graduated with my Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences after spending the last 10 years at UK! I'll be starting my new job a couple of weeks before the reunion. I've decided to put off getting a "real" job for another year so I'll be hanging out on the beach – working at a camp on Jekyll Island, GA teaching kids about environmental science and ecology! I can’t wait, but I’m going to miss catching up with everyone. Hopefully I’ll make the next one, but in the meantime, I’d love to catch up with some old friends so I’ve attached my email address and myspace url. Party enough for me too! : )

P.S. No kids or husband to speak of, but I’ve attached a picture of my rotten little pup.

Email: lmallen80@gmail.com

Website address or personal blog: http://www.myspace.com/doc_allen

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Greg Clemens

It's amazing it has already been 10 years!!! As in everyone elses life from reading the blogs, a lot has occured as well for me since graduation. The first two years after graduation, I attended St.Catharine playing baseball for one year. Due to injury I had to quit, but stayed on one more year working on my major. The following year I transfered to WKU to finish my major in Kinesiology and physical education. While at WKU I was apart of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, as well as becoming an ambassodor for the Greek system. (to many stories to tell during this period of my life) after finishing school i met my now wife Emily. We have been together for 3 years and just got married June 7th of this year. We have made our home in Louisville for 2 years, where I am General Manger for T-Mobile USA and Emily is a Dental Hygienist for Mortenson Family Dental. I am looking foward to seeing everyone.

Email: Greg.Clemens@T-Mobile.com

Friday, July 4, 2008

Missy Walden Newton

Hey everyone! It is so hard to believe that it has been so long ago since high school. These last 10 years have gone by so fast, and I am looking forward to seeing all my old freinds.
Well, I will be married for 8 years in August to the love of my life and best friend, Kevin. We have a beautiful 5 year old daughter, Whitney Michelle. She is so funny, and for those of us who are blessed with children, you know first hand the things they will say and do that put a smile on your face when you have had a hard day!
We are still here in Kentucky and have been living in the big city of Boston for the last 5 years.
Anyway, I wish the best for you all and can't wait to see you.

Email : newtonmelissa@bellsouth.net

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bob Morris

As you could probally guess, I have been working at Nelson Co EMS since high school, I also have been with Air Methods (STATCARE) for almost 3 years. I got married to Alison Bartley in 2005 and we also have a son Matthew that is almost 3 years old. We currently live in Bardstown, look forward to seeing everyone in SEPT.

Email: bobm634@hotmail.com
Website address or personal blog: www.airmethodsky.com/