10 Year Class Reunion a success!

Our first ever class of 1998 reunion was a smashing success with classmates rolling in from all across the country to partake in an evening of  dancing, drinking and sharing tales of the "good 'ole days". Jessie, Amber, and I would like to thank everyone who participated in this fine event through donations, help setting up and breaking down, spreading the word, planning and ideas, photography, and just plain showing up! It was wonderful seeing everyone and we look forward to doing it all over again in a few years! 

We sincerely apologize if you didn't catch word of the reunion. We did our best with limited resources to get the word out via email, internet and the KY Standard but are aware that many people didn't get the news and for that we are truly apologetic. Please take this opportunity to now add yourself to the list for 2013 and let's get ready to rock! 

It's never to early to start thinking and preparing for the 15 year so if you find yourself not listed on the blog, please sign in so that we have your information for the next round.  
Please fill out the questionaire and submit. If you'd rather not have your information posted please write "private" beside your name and I will just keep the info for our records. All contact is extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! If you'd like to submit pictures please email them as attachments to me at: courtenaygoff13@mac.com. Thanks!

NCHS Class of 1998 Reunion!

Name (Maiden & Married):
Mailing address:
Phone #:
Email Address:
Website address or personal blog (if Applicable):
Tell us a little about your life:
Would you like to share photos of yourself (family, etc.?) on this blog? Yes, I will email them to you!
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Monday, June 30, 2008

Jessica Livers Adams

Well, I started off at WKU for a couple of years before I ended up transferring to UK in 2000. I graduated from the College of Pharmacy in 2005 and now work in Bardstown as a Community Pharmacist - and most days love my job.
I met a wonderful man along the way, Troy Adams and we married after being together for 6 years in 2005.
My life has been altogether great, but the best thing that has happened to me was the birth of our beautiful daughter, Bailey in February 2008.
Hope to see you all this fall.

Email: jessielivers@yahoo.com

Carrie Blair

Email: cblair1980@yahoo.com

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Katie Dragoo

Well I live in Bardstown and have been a supervisor at our local movie theater, Keystone Cinema for the past 8 years. I did work at a Dr.'s office,(which I loved) for 2 years during those 8, untill the Dr. moved to Lexington. I now work at Keystone and at Foster Heights. I am with my high school sweet heart, Adam Hardin. We have 3 kids, our little girl Lexus is 5, our twin boys Brody and Blade are 3 months. They might be the only thing in my life I got right. I love my family dearly and they are very important to me. I hope to see everyone soon.

Email: boosmom125@yahoo.com

Friday, June 27, 2008

Matt Crady

Ugh, fine, I'll do one of these things. After graduation I went to WKU where I started with a major in physics, but left with a major/minor in Computer Information Systems and Economics. I did computer network stuff for various banks around the state until getting a job as the technology consultant for UofL's English Department. That's where I started taking creative writing classes and a few years later I moved to Richmond, VA to get my MFA in fiction from Virginia Commonwealth University. Right now I teach fiction/poetry to undergrads (which is why I probably won't make the reunion). Hmm, what else? Single. Never married. No kids that I know of. House that I'm renting out in Louisville. Probably move out west to the mountains in a year or two where I can spend more time canoing, fishing, and messing with my Jeep. I guess that's about it. Oh, and I'm trying to finish up my first novel.

Email: cradymc@vcu.edu

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chris Burkhead

After graduation I moved to Bowling Green and attended WKU. While there I became an Assistant Manager at Wal-Mart and have been back in Bardstown for about 2 years now. I'm currently not married, but will be on August 30th. So I guess I'll be a newly wed by the reunion. See everyone there.

Email: bent_sideways@hotmail.com

Monday, June 23, 2008

Jimmy Mouser

I've been married now for 6yrs now to my high school sweetheart Randi. We have a handsome 17mth old son, Brayden who is the funniest and cutest kid ever. I work for Smith Bro. Dist. here in Bardstown as a salesman. That's about as exciting as it get's in my world, but being a dad is the greatest gift of all.

Email: randimouser05@aol.com

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Joseph E Clark

Email: jwelch2@bardstowncable.net

Angela Shouse

Greetings everyone! It's hard to believe that 10 years have already pasted. In that time, for me, nothing much has changed. Two months after graduation, I started working at UPS. I work out on the ramp unloading and loading airplanes. I love my job. I started college at Jefferson Community College in the fall of 1998, but by the spring of 2000 decided that I wasn't ready for college. I recently returned and realized that I am apparently smarter than I thought I was. I'm enjoying going back to school and learning new things. I haven't declared a major, for the simple fact that I have no idea what I want to do.

I've never been married and I have no children. The closest thing to a child I have is my younger sister Juanita's daughter Madison who will be 3 in July. Spoiling her rotten has become a past time for me. LOL

I'm glad to see how well everyone is doing. Some of your careers are quite amazing. Who would have guessed who we'd be today? I look forward to seeing you all in September.

Email: leosangel412@hotmail.com

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jessie Riggs Weis

I am know back in Kentucky after living in Tampa for a little over 2 years. After graduation I attended St. Catharine and then onto Louisville where I received a Bachelor's Degree in graphic design. I am now back working at St. Catharine College as an Admissions Counselor. I have been married to my best friend John Weis for 3 years. We just had our first child, Gabriel Anthony, in March. We currently live in Bardstown but will eventually be moving to Washington County.
Okay enough about me! Court, Amber and I are ready to get this party started. We are doing the best we can, being that this is our first year planning this. Please tell everyone you can about the reunion. So far this blog has been our best advertisement. As soon as you can please purchase your tickets from Court. Hope all is well and can't wait to see everyone.

Email: jessie.weis@yahoo.com

Nikki McGowan

HMMM....Where to begin....I have two kids a boy, Tynan 8 yrs old, and my daughter Tory is 6 years old. I am currently in school for massage therapy and I just bought a place in Louisville....I moved out of Bardstown 3 years ago....I am not married....perfectly happy raising my kiddos on my own.Went through a few rough years and things got alot better when I moved out of Bardstown....I am in the process of doing renovations to a building for a small cafe here in louisville....I don't know yet if I will make it to the reunion, but I wish you all the best of luck....glad to hear everything is going good.

Email: scottishwitch25@yahoo.com

Blake Filiatreau

I took a job working for AT&T as a Digital Technician. I have been working there for 9 years. I got married to Jennifer Rowe and have been married for 4 years. We have 2 great children Ella 3 and Preston 4 1/2 months. We built a house on our 20 acre horse farm in Bardstown. We own a custom framing business and my wife just opened an online childrens boutique and is a stay at home mom. (myprincessandthepea.com)In my spare time I enjoy working with reining performance horses.

Email: jbfiliatreau@bellsouth.net
website address: myprincessandthepea.com

Monday, June 2, 2008

Kelli Allen Clark

I have my BS in Accounting from the University of Louisville. I'm an accountant/auditor with Stiles, Carter & Associates in Elizabethtown. I'm currently working on getting my CPA (I hate to study!!!)

I've been married to Doug Clark for almost five years. We met in Elizabethtown back in 1999 and starting dating in 2001. We have an amazing little boy, Cooper, that will be two in August and hope to add another one sometime in the near future. We had a house in E'town for several years and just recently move to Hodgenville into our dream home. We have almost three acres and enjoy every inch of it.

I doubt I'm going to make the reunion or not because I'm supposed to fly out to Washington for the birth of my nephew around that time. I just wanted to say hello to everyone!

Email: rclark125@windstream.net

Scott Goodman

I graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2004, and moved back to Bardstown. Been working in Elizabethtown ever since. Got married in Jamaica in 2006, but no kids yet. See you in September.

Email: sgoodman80@yahoo.com