10 Year Class Reunion a success!

Our first ever class of 1998 reunion was a smashing success with classmates rolling in from all across the country to partake in an evening of  dancing, drinking and sharing tales of the "good 'ole days". Jessie, Amber, and I would like to thank everyone who participated in this fine event through donations, help setting up and breaking down, spreading the word, planning and ideas, photography, and just plain showing up! It was wonderful seeing everyone and we look forward to doing it all over again in a few years! 

We sincerely apologize if you didn't catch word of the reunion. We did our best with limited resources to get the word out via email, internet and the KY Standard but are aware that many people didn't get the news and for that we are truly apologetic. Please take this opportunity to now add yourself to the list for 2013 and let's get ready to rock! 

It's never to early to start thinking and preparing for the 15 year so if you find yourself not listed on the blog, please sign in so that we have your information for the next round.  
Please fill out the questionaire and submit. If you'd rather not have your information posted please write "private" beside your name and I will just keep the info for our records. All contact is extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! If you'd like to submit pictures please email them as attachments to me at: courtenaygoff13@mac.com. Thanks!

NCHS Class of 1998 Reunion!

Name (Maiden & Married):
Mailing address:
Phone #:
Email Address:
Website address or personal blog (if Applicable):
Tell us a little about your life:
Would you like to share photos of yourself (family, etc.?) on this blog? Yes, I will email them to you!
No thanks

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Christina Browning Durbin

I graduated from Jefferson Community College in 2002 with an Associates in Commercial Art Technology. Decided that I loved photography and went back to school and graduated in 2005 from Jefferson Community College with an Associates in Commercial Art Photography. I am currently employed with Town & Country Bank and Trust Co. here in Bardstown. I have been working as Professional Photographer out of my home for about 3 years.
My husband and I lived in Bardstown for several years and decided to move to New Haven last year, right before we got married. I work at the New Haven branch of Town & Country and live not far from there.
We do not have children now, but hope to have in the near future.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone.
Photography is my passion and I would love to show you some of my work.

Email: cbrowning0656@yahoo.com

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jessica Rogers

I am not married and have no kids of my own. I finished college and have a Bachelor's in Psychology. I also played 4 years of basketball. I started off at St. Catharine College and played for two years then transferred to Spalding University where i finished my career. After I graduated from Spalding I went to work at St. Joseph Children's Home in Louisville for three years. This job consisted of caring for children who were removed from their home for abuse or neglect. They stayed at the home awaiting adoption. After that I went to work for the state as a social service worker. At this job I had to go into homes and investigate abuse or neglect. I did not enjoy this job and when a daycare in New Haven went up for sale I decided to purchase and start a whole new career as an entrepeneur. What an experience it has been. I have owned the daycare for approximately 21 months and I love going to work everyday and seeing the children. You ca!
n never have a bad day when you are working with children. Now the parents can put a strain on me but I have to remember the reason why I got into the business. The Children.....

Other than working hard I have nothing else going on. I have been in a relationship for nearly 7 years and we are looking into building a new home on property that we own and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with him. Kids are a definite but I am way to busy for that right now.

Email: jessica71880@bellsouth.net

Friday, April 11, 2008

Jessica Culver Sparrow

I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Kentucky Wesleyan College in 2002 with a BA in History Education. I have been teaching at our old alma mater since January 2002 in the Social Studies Department. I recieved my master's degree as a reading specialist from the University of Kentucky in 2007. I sponsor Student Council and coach Cross Country and Track. I have been married to David since July, 7 2007 (after dating forever we finally got married!) Now I am enjoying pregnancy. I'm due in October (Amy, I am right there with ya; so going to be FAT!)

Email: jessica.sparrow@nelson.kyschools.us

Lorissa Couch Smith

Hey all! I've been married to my husband Brian for 9 years this May. I have two beautiful boys, Jaykob, 8 and Jackson, 9 months. I'm a stay at home mommy and we live in Bloomfield.

Email: jaykob1228@wmconnect.com

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jennifer Pile Eggemeier

I married Joe Eggemeier on April 19th, 2003. We are currently looking into adoption and fostering children. I work at My Old KY Home State Park in the business office. I've been there since before graduation. I am training to become business manager so by reunion time, I'll know if I get the job or not. We have no children right now, just two dogs. A chocolate lab and a rat terrier.

Email: jenandjoeegg@peoplepc.com

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Carla Bentley Bowman

Clay & I will be married 9 years this month. We have two kids. Our daughter, Lauren, is seven and our son, Jesse, is four. We live in Bloomfield. Clay works for Tower Automotive in Bardstown. I work for the District Judge in Nelson County. We look forward to seeing everyone in September.

Email: carlabowman@kycourts.net