10 Year Class Reunion a success!

Our first ever class of 1998 reunion was a smashing success with classmates rolling in from all across the country to partake in an evening of  dancing, drinking and sharing tales of the "good 'ole days". Jessie, Amber, and I would like to thank everyone who participated in this fine event through donations, help setting up and breaking down, spreading the word, planning and ideas, photography, and just plain showing up! It was wonderful seeing everyone and we look forward to doing it all over again in a few years! 

We sincerely apologize if you didn't catch word of the reunion. We did our best with limited resources to get the word out via email, internet and the KY Standard but are aware that many people didn't get the news and for that we are truly apologetic. Please take this opportunity to now add yourself to the list for 2013 and let's get ready to rock! 

It's never to early to start thinking and preparing for the 15 year so if you find yourself not listed on the blog, please sign in so that we have your information for the next round.  
Please fill out the questionaire and submit. If you'd rather not have your information posted please write "private" beside your name and I will just keep the info for our records. All contact is extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! If you'd like to submit pictures please email them as attachments to me at: courtenaygoff13@mac.com. Thanks!

NCHS Class of 1998 Reunion!

Name (Maiden & Married):
Mailing address:
Phone #:
Email Address:
Website address or personal blog (if Applicable):
Tell us a little about your life:
Would you like to share photos of yourself (family, etc.?) on this blog? Yes, I will email them to you!
No thanks

create form

Monday, March 31, 2008

Beth Downs

Well guys, it's been an interesting 10 years. I have two beautiful girls who are 3 and 4. Their names are Gracie and Olivia. I just recently moved to Indiana in December 2007. I met my soulmate, and hopefully will be married in the next couple years. (everyone cross your fingers! lol) I worked in the medical field up until about 2003. I did phlebotomy, ekg's, and other technical things. I decided to get into corrections just for a change. I now work at the Nelson County Jail.(and no I can't get you a get out of jail free card...lol) I'm anxious to see what's been going on, and am looking forward to catching up with some friends I haven't seen in a while. I hope evryone is doing well.

Email: gsrgo@roadrunner.com

Friday, March 21, 2008

Corrie Hutchins Hall

Well, I have gone to three schools and finally graduated from Sullivan '07. I now hold a Bachelor's in Business Management and a Double Associates in Business Management/Retail Marketing.

I have been with my high school sweetheart for almost 11 years (married for 5 1/2) Lyle Hall. He is a forensic biologist for the state. We have two little boys, Parker 3 1/2 and Riley 11 months.

I am a staffing consultant for Adecco and am working towards opening a paint your own pottery studio in Bardstown.
Life has been difficult and interesting along the way but I am happy where I am at right now.

Email: cgh69@hotmail.com
Website address or personal blog: www.myspace.com/cgh69

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Andy Bishop

I graduated from WKU with a Master's Degree in Education. I moved to Lafayette, TN for 4 years where I taught HS Agriculture at Westmoreland HS. I took a job with Farm Credit Services in June 07 and moved back home. Got married to Meagan Mangrum whom I met in TN in June of 07 and currently working on the babies!!!

Email: mbishop@e-farmcredit.com

Jaclyn "Ball" Knight

I took freaking forever to get my bachelor's, but you know life happens sometimes. However, I'm now getting my MAT degree from Spalding and should be in a classroom by the 2009-10 school year. I was married for 5 years, but I'm getting ready to get a divorce. I have a beautiful 3 year old daughter who is awesome.

Email: jaclynknight@gmail.com
Website address or personal blog: www.myspace.com/jaclynknight

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mary Beth Nichols

After HS, I went to Spencerian College and received a business diploma. I work at Newcomb Oil Co. in the Payroll Department. I live in Cox's Creek with my High School Sweetheart Trevor Hibbs and our 2 year old daughter Josie. Can't wait to see everybody!

Email: maryb@newcomboil.com

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Amber Crume

I of course like there was much doubt married Jerry Allen. I have worked in Orthopedics for 9 years now, We Live in New Haven and have 2 beautiful boys Tyler 7 and Chance 22 months. I am the typical soccer Mom.

email: ajcrume @yahoo.com

Leslie Yocum

What's up! I currently live in the big city of Bloomfield, and work for RCS Transportation(FORD). I have been married for 5 years and have 2 kids and one on the way... TRICKED YA!! No really, I am living the SINGLE life and makin money. Can't wait to PARTY like it's 1998.

Email: rlyoc@aol.com

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lennea Cheser Herndon

Hey Everybody!
After high school I went to college and got my degreee as a Registered Nurse. I currently work @ Jewish Hopsital in Open Heart Recovery.
I was married to Chad Herndon although that ended in divorce in 2006. As a result of the marriage I have the greatest blessing my son Grant Allen who will be 3 in May, who now is thankfully now POTTY TRAINED! I have boyfriend, Dave who has taught me a alot about happiness.
Can't wait!! See ya soon.

Email: Nea01@bellsouth.net

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Amy Frazier

I graduated from the University of Kentucky with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 2003. I graduated from Eastern Kentucky University in 2005 with a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology. I currently work for a forensic psychiatrist in Lexington, KY as a Licensed Psychological Associate and complete neuropsychological evaluations.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my wonderful boyfriend of almost 3 years.

Email: amyfrazier514@hotmail.com