10 Year Class Reunion a success!

Our first ever class of 1998 reunion was a smashing success with classmates rolling in from all across the country to partake in an evening of  dancing, drinking and sharing tales of the "good 'ole days". Jessie, Amber, and I would like to thank everyone who participated in this fine event through donations, help setting up and breaking down, spreading the word, planning and ideas, photography, and just plain showing up! It was wonderful seeing everyone and we look forward to doing it all over again in a few years! 

We sincerely apologize if you didn't catch word of the reunion. We did our best with limited resources to get the word out via email, internet and the KY Standard but are aware that many people didn't get the news and for that we are truly apologetic. Please take this opportunity to now add yourself to the list for 2013 and let's get ready to rock! 

It's never to early to start thinking and preparing for the 15 year so if you find yourself not listed on the blog, please sign in so that we have your information for the next round.  
Please fill out the questionaire and submit. If you'd rather not have your information posted please write "private" beside your name and I will just keep the info for our records. All contact is extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! If you'd like to submit pictures please email them as attachments to me at: courtenaygoff13@mac.com. Thanks!

NCHS Class of 1998 Reunion!

Name (Maiden & Married):
Mailing address:
Phone #:
Email Address:
Website address or personal blog (if Applicable):
Tell us a little about your life:
Would you like to share photos of yourself (family, etc.?) on this blog? Yes, I will email them to you!
No thanks

create form

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jennifer Linton Del Valle

After going to Campbellsville University for two years. I went into the U.S. Navy were I met my Husband, Martin. We have a 2 1/2 year old son and one on the way. We recently bought a house in VA, were my husband is stationed. I will be finishing up my BA in Criminal Justice at Bellarmine University, then moving to VA.

Email: jennnsmiles@netscape.net

Nicole Ballard

I currently live in Jeffersonville,Indiana with Steve, my wonderful boyfriend of almost 6 years. We are share our home with our Jack Russell Terrier, Charley.

I graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Louisville with a Bachelor of Science in Business Adminstration with a minor in Communications in 2002. I thought I would go back for my Master's, but I don't think that I will now. I currently work in Louisville in Workers' Compensation Insurance. I enjoy my job and my life and look forward to starting a family in the years to come!!

Hope all is well with everyone and can't wait to see you all at the reunion.

Email: nicole_2727@msn.com

Robyn Delaney

I graduated from Georgetown College in 2002 with a BA in Psychology. I graduated from UK in 2006 with an Ed.S. degree in School Psychology. I've been working for Hardin County Schools as a School Psychologist for almost 3 years. I bought a house in Bardstown in 2006, and am now busy planning a wedding for June 2008 to Kirk Mays, who I met while living in Lexington. I'm also a Jazzercise instructor in Bardstown. Can't wait to see everyone!


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Stephanie *Michelle* Ball

Email: angeltears1979@hotmail.com


Kristal Edelen Lyvers

Shortly after highschool, I moved to Louisville where I have remained. I am an IT recruiter and love my job! I have a beautiful 6 yr old little girl named Ashton. I was married to her father in 2001 and we spent a few short years together. He passed away in 2004 due to a car accident. Life has thrown me some curve balls but I'm stronger than I ever knew. I've been very blessed and continue to be gracious for the love that I had and still do with my daughter.

See you guys soon!

Email: klyvers@teksystems.com

Casey Lynn Cox Marksbury

I have been married for almost 3 years. I have two beautiful children a 2 & 3 year old. I work at B & B Business Management Solutions as an Account Specialist. Life is Good.

Email: casey@bbbms.com

Amanda Ward Fields

I married my high school sweetheart Chris Fields June 5, 1999. We have two beautiful children Jacob-6 and Karli-4. I work for Vittitow Cabinets, Sales-Designer.

Email: amanda@vittitowcabinets.com

Friday, February 22, 2008

Kristen Keeling

Email: kristengkeeling@yahoo.com

Amanda Rogers Blincoe

I graduated from Samford University in 2002 with a BA in History and Political Science. I graduated from UK Law School in 2005, and now practice as an attorney in Bardstown. I married Karl Blincoe in 2004 and we have two (big) boys, Oliver, who is 2 1/2 and Knox, who just turned 1 in January.

Email: ablincoe@bardstowncable.net

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bridgett Hughes

Email: bridgett_131@hotmail.com

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Peggy Lewis Heckert

Hello Everyone. I received a BS from University of Louisville in 2003 in Justice Administration. I have 2 beautiful children. A girl and boy, ages 4 and 5. I am married to my HS sweetheart, Eric. We reside in Taylorsville. Can't wait to see everyone!!!

Email: pheckert@elkcreek.net

Coleman Barnes

After graduating HS, I attended the University of Kentucky where I was a longsnapper on the football team from 1999 - 2002. At UK, I received a bachelor's degree in kinesiology in 2002 and a master's degree in sports management. After leaving Lexington, I moved to Boston and worked for Harvard Athletics. After that stint, I moved to Miami where I worked for the University of Miami Athletics Department for 1 year. In 2005, I moved to Oxford, Mississippi and work as a fund raiser for Ole Miss Athletics. I have 1 class remaining before I begin the dissertation process for a Ph.D. in Higher Education. On May 24, I will marry Mary Beth Justice, formerly of Madison, MS.

Email: uk6deuce@yahoo.com

Monday, February 18, 2008

Joni Rust

I graduated from EKU with a Master's degree in Communication Disorders
and am currently working for LaRue County Schools as a Speech-Language
Pathologist. I love my job and working with children! I am not
married, have no children, and currently not involved in a relationship.
I live in Bardstown in a home I built last summer.

Email: joni.rust@larue.kyschools.us

Derrik Cornell

Email: dscornell@insightbb.com

Robert Krausen

After granduation, I bounced around between attending UK, and taking semesters off, building houses in Louisville. I married my wife in 2001, and we moved to Nicholasville shortly thereafter.
We both attended school, I received my associates degree in Environmental Science, while working full time, and she got her masters in Special Education (she's a teacher).
About a year ago, we moved back to Louisville. I have been working for Early Environmental in Shelbyville for three years now (www.earlyenvironmental.com). I am the Project Manager for the company, and primary emergency responder for chemical and petroleum spills in Tennesee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana.
We have one son Hayden, and another due in May. Hayden is adorable, and so much fun, he'll do anything for a laugh.
Can't wait to see everyone.

Email: rkrausen@insightbb.com

Veronica Hurst Cammack

I graduated from Georgetown College in 2002 and started medical school the following fall. I have completed medical school and now am resident in pediatrics at Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville. Nick and I have been married 3 years and are enjoying living in Louisville. We have no children but do have a fantastic lab named Gracie.
Nick graduated from Georgetown College and The University of Kentucky with a dual degree in Engineering Arts and Civil Engineering in 2005. He is currently working in Louisville as an Engineer.

Email: veronicahurst@hotmail.com

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Jill Dadisman Benningfield

I graduated from UofL in 2002 with a BS in Justice Administration. I married Jarrod Benningfield on Sept. 24, 2004. For the last 5 years we have enjoyed living on our small farm in Culvertown. On November 13, 2006 our son, Cade, was born. I also have a 4-legged son, Winston, a 5 year old Weimaraner. "MY BOYS" keep me busy and I hope to add to the family in the near future. I look forward to seeing everyone and catching up.

Email: jilld32@hotmail.com

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Amelia (Amy) Mattingly Simpson

Married to Cannon Simpson for 4 years-I have a 3 year old son: James Cannon Simpson III who is a ham and a handfull and we are now expected our 2nd child-due in September 2008-so I'll be nice and FAT at the reunion.

Email: acsimp03@yahoo.com

Lauren Crume Tirollo

After graduating from Eastern Kentucky University in 2002 with a degree in forensic science, I accepted a job offer with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement the following year in Fort Myers, FL. I am a Crime Laboratory Analyst in the latent print section. I married Rob Tirollo, a police officer with our local sheriff's office in 2005 and we had an amazing son, Nico, September 1st, 2006.

email: LaurenTirollo@fdle.state.fl.us

Felicia Lyvers Hall

To start I am still in Bardstown I can't bring myself to leave the town that I have grown to love so well. I am a small town girl and I guess I will always be a small town girl.
I am married to a wonderful man and we have 3 beautiful children, Shelby is 9, Haley is 6 and Owen is 2. I am currently working on going back to school to pursue my dream in teaching because that is what I have always wanted to do. I am excited about our 10 year reunion and look forward to seeing everyone again.

email: feliciahall@excite.com